Tag Archives: Architecture

Nadia Boulanger

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Analysis v Theory: Analysis reveals the way that a composer handles language. Theory serves to describe the practice.

“Music is nothing more than an incalculable number of solutions based on a limited vocabulary.”

Every piece has a tonal plan:

Tonal plan of Symphony of Psalms: So many G’s in the first e minor chord of the first movement – leading to the final cadence on ‘G’ of that movement, setting up c minor for the second movement double fugue, leading ultimately to the final C Major chord at the end of the third movement.

Play/sing: Perception of both vertical and horizontal relations becomes remarkably sharpened.

In all keys: Harmonic Minor – 1 2, flat3, 4, 5, 6 (7) R                                                                           Ascending Melodic Minor – 1, 2, flat3, 4, 5, #6, m7, R                                                  Descending Melodic Minor R, flat7, 6, 5, 4, flat3, 2, R


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